Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wild Wild Washington

In an effort to remain as creepy as ever, I hid for Nick to find me when he arrived from the airport from Spain. Ok, what really happened is this: a month prior to his return, Nick's mom invited me to be with the family at the airport to pick him upon his arrival. We figured he might have been expecting me to be there, though, so instead, I waited for him back at their house while his parents got him. When he finally saw me, he took a few steps back in surprise. I was running toward him with open arms, and there he was, walking away. So, all in all, success.

Since then, we've packed up my apartment, said our good-byes, and have been in Kennewick with his family, Moscow with our friends, Mazama with his parents, Spokane with his brother... And are really tired. I wish I could have found a weekend to see my family as well, but there is still time during the summer to, hopefully, work that out. I've been eating crap and a ton of it. Sweets taste better with your best friend eating them with you. My diet starts the day we get to Seattle. We're finding a gym a.s.a.p, too. It's summer time and I have the same aspirations that any stupid girl does-- to be tan, skinny and bomb. And speaking of Seattle, that happens on Monday. Time is flying!

Nick's mom and I went for a jog while Nick and his dad went for a bike ride. The jog got me all hot and bothered; I had no choice but to tank-top it, ok?
Timchalk cabin in Mazama, Washington

Mother's Day Brunch in Kennewick with Nick's fam
A special appearance from the dog

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