Friday, May 21, 2010

Five pound maximum

Overwhelming doesn't begin to describe our time in Seattle thus far. Within the first day, we unpacked all of our things into our 4x4 room and had a mental breakdown when it took 45 minutes to find a parking spot on the street. Who knew we lived on Greek row? But now, a few days later, we have a better handle on public transportation and are learning to enjoy the "coziness" of such a small room. We've done some tourist-y things: checked out Pike's place and downtown shops and frequent the University Village. Unfortunately, Nick's internship didn't work out, but a job at the Space Needle is looking promising. I've joined a gym and have found myself being the cooking and cleaning, domestic lady of the house. I can't say I have a problem with that, mainly because, lets be honest, it's just adorable and Nick is such a good help when I ask. As for the weather, it isn't nearly as bad as everyone warned me it would be. It has rained a few times, sure, but it's brief and not some buckets-of-water-falling-from-the-sky experience, as some people made it out to be. We're still in America, folks. It's summer here too and the sun is a'shinin.

I think this once-city-girl has realized I don't love the city as much as I once did. The week before our move to Seattle, when we were at Nick's family's cabin, I was much more relaxed and at peace. The homeless people are a real downer in big cities and, lets not forget, we are but poor college students and do not have six dollars to spend on a pair of scissors, Seattle! I just needed to open a box! But, really, things are looking up. Meghan Miller has been a great help for us here; we really appreciate her. Tonight we are going to temple, tomorrow Nick's friend from high school is coming to visit and Sunday we are going to church. As for right now, BBC is on, we're getting ready to go to Urban Outfitters, and all is well.

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